
Hoi4 manpower by country
Hoi4 manpower by country

I mostly play with the Third Reich, but for once, would like to see a more balanced Axis club in military and economic terms because their current power and reach in HOI3 is massive compared to how their historical political enemies (Allies & Comintern) are represented in the game. What about the weakest of the major powers? Who will it be? Italy or perhaps France? What are you expecting? What do you want to see? strengthening the Axis or nerfing the Comintern for gameplay purposes)?

hoi4 manpower by country

What country do you expect will be able to have the world`s strongest armed forces in HOI 4? Will this nation be the same token power every game? Will it be a historical set up of the balance of power of that time or will it be more gamey to insert some flavour (ie.

Hoi4 manpower by country